Sunday, July 11, 2010

Our Healthcare System: Update

A variety of websites and stories which I found to be important or at least thought-provoking:

Key Web sites
-- The best site I have found to simply explain, "What does the new health reform law mean for YOU?"
-- The federal government's site that includes specific advice on how to find health insurance and how that is impacted by the new health reform law.

Healthcare IT stories
Use of HIT Improves the Quality of Care
-- A Kaiser Permanente Study Finds Quality of Care Scores Increase as Patients and Physicians Communicate via Secure E-mail.

Improving Usability of Health IT for Physicians
-- A great article in Healthcare Informatics which starts by pointing out that most health professionals do not use available health IT systems because they actually increase their work effort and can too frequently hurt quality, whereas the objective should be to help physicians decrease their work effort while increasing their quality consistently. They offer thoughts on a "physician-specific point-of-care system that continuously adapts to practice patterns that could result in dramatic improvements to the quality and efficiency of healthcare delivery".

General Healthcare Stories
Process improvement to improve compliance with specialty visits
-- Turns out that when a PCP refers a patient to a specialist, they only make the appointment 70% of the time, and of those - only 70% show up - thus less than 50% of people go to the specialists when they are referred! This article talks about how a process improvement improved those metrics. Our medical group ( does something similar to help with this process and we believe it provides a higher quality and more efficient process for sure!

Better ways to manage the flood of test results
-- New recommendations target how physicians and hospitals can best communicate test results and prevent harm to patients.

Aftercare Tips for Patients Checking Out of the Hospital
-- NY Times article on how good discharge planning can keep patients from needing to be re-admitted after leaving a hospital, and could save Medicare billions.

How the Performance of the U.S. Health Care System Compares Internationally (2010 Update)
-- Yet another report, placing the US healthcare system last among industrialized nations. US spends $7,300 per person per year on healthcare and gets the worst results. UK spends $3,000, New Zealand $2,500; Canada $3,900; Australia $3,400.

Health overhaul may mean longer ER waits, crowding
-- Due to a shortage of primary care physicians (PCPs), Emergency Rooms may grow even more crowded with longer wait times under the nation's new health law since there will be many more patients with insurance, but no increase in PCPs.

The Variability of Patient Care - by John Glaser
-- One of the smartest guys in healthcare explains the theory from one of my favorite books (Designing Care by Richard Bohmer),which I talked about in a previous post about Checklists and process improvement. The key point being that there are two classes of care in a hospital and in a physician's practice, and the importance of understanding that these two very diverse scenarios need to be recognized when designing process/workflows for care (especially including use of EHRs). Glaser explains further;
---- Sequential care is a form of production: It involves performing well-understood tasks in a well-understood sequence (e.g. routine heart surgery). Sequential care's mental image is that of a production line. With sequential care it is possible to engineer a preferred sequence of steps and have the EHR guide the care team in performing these steps. And it should be quite possible to measure the outcomes of these steps. (This is similar to Clay Christensen's Value Added Process)
---- Iterative care is a form of discovery: It addresses complex diagnoses and conditions for which the diagnosis and treatment are a repeating series of hypothesis-test/treat-revise hypothesis steps. Iterative care is different. The mental image should not be the factory floor but a group of scientists in the laboratory. In this scenario we must encourage collaboration, enable an unpredictable set of actions to be taken, and provide easy access to information and other experts that might help the team form and test hypotheses. Measuring the outcome of discovery is very difficult. (This is similar to Clay Christensen's Solution Shops)

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